Thursday, July 9, 2009

Baby shower!!!

I tend to be quite the perfectionist and have been called a control freak before. Although this is never my intention I'm grateful for the people in my life that put up with my meticulous ways! A special thank you to my Mommy who worked so hard to make our baby shower such a special day for us! Hours upon hours were spent prepping and decorating, but I don't think it could have been a better day for me, with the exception of Ja'Niya missing it :(

More than anything, there's nothing better than having the opportunity to celebrate with good friends over good food and a rather tasty raspberry lemonade spritzer..yum!!! We are thankful to everyone for all of the amazing gifts and good conversation. Thank you for celebrating our little girl with us! It was a day we will never forget!!
More visuals...
Decor, amazing appetizers & dessert table!

1 comment:

  1. this makes me so sad! :( the treats look so damn amazing and tasty! we have to do a re-mix for this one for sure. Like a welcome Amaia party. And do a girlie potluck with goodies and treats. Deal? love you sis! xxx
